Tuesday, April 29, 2014

One Thing... Class all Semester
        I'll be honest. I was nervous going into this class based on the reviews written and showed to us the very first day of class. Everyone wrote "get out while you can" "you'll hate this class" "hardest class you will ever take" "drop it now.. oh wait you can't it's required" etc. I was nervous, it is only a one credit class and I knew there was going to be a lot of work and assignments and essays all just for a one credit class. I had doubt on how well I was going to do, and almost accepted the fact that I would do poorly since apparently even the best writers do so in this class. However, it was all completely opposite. I loved this class, it was one of my favorite to go to. I attended all classes, I looked forward to going, and even sitting in class I was interested and had a good time rather than sitting there and hating it. The experience of the class was such a positive one. I don't know how people wrote so negatively about the class and all of its work. Yeah, there were a lot of assignments due, but they were fun and interesting, not boring and just "busy work." The material we learned is stuff that will last me a lifetime. I do honestly feel like I learned a lot more from this class then I expected to. It was a good time and everything I'm taking from the class is information that I'm happy I learned. I even learned a lot about news writing, and it was interesting! I hadn't thought that I would be interested in anything news related because typically I wasn't a fan of the news, but instead it encouraged me to become a part of the news. I began reading it daily, when asked in class what news was going around I wanted to make sure I always knew what everyone was talking about and have prior knowledge to the info the class was sharing. I even see the news as more than just news now too. I understand how news stories are written, where they come from, that there is a specific way to write about it, and it is such beneficial knowledge that I'm excited I learned it all.
       This was an amazing class. I can't believe I'm saying that after what I thought it would be, but it turned out really good for me. Even Kim Young was excellent as  a professor. Willing to always help and having a great attitude about everything. I don't want people going into this class thinking such bad things about it because it was honestly a positive influence on me, and I am glad that it was.

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